Anyone who wishes to contribute an article here may contact us. We will be happy to receive your contribution and although we will try to publish it, we make no promises that it will be published. The Society will not be held responsible for the articles written here as the views and opinions expressed belong to the author only. The Society will take every care it can to present a true and unbiased version.


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# Article Title Author Hits
1 CD - Variations on a Malaysian song op 125 'Getaran Jiwa' Administrator 9166
2 Roland Dyens (19 Oct 1955) - RIP Administrator 6164
3 Critique, Commentary and Rectification by Simon Cheong on Nathan Fischer's Pride, Pedagogy and Performance: Getaran Jiwa, Variations on a Malaysian Song op. 125, by John Duarte Administrator 8319
4 International Guitar Research Centre Conference 2016 - Simon's paper Administrator 23784
5 Guitar Camp 2013 by Jong Choong Shyr Administrator 11189
6 Carlos Bonell's blog - Guitar Camp in the Jungle Administrator 6405
7 Carlos Bonell's blog - From Cambridge to a Chinese feast in Kuala Lumpur Administrator 6495
8 A false notion by Clifford Cheam - to quote - ‘Classical Guitar is dying’!? Administrator 9320
9 6th Guitar Alive 2011 Administrator 3649
10 A New Design for our Website Administrator 64242
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